I hope this blog finds you all happy, healthy & ready for your close-up!

I wanted to take this opportunity to remind our clients and potential clients that a 2 hour engagement session is included with your venue rental if you are holding your ceremony as well as reception with us.

As Emily & Cory discovered the building has an abundance of natural light, gorgeous brick and lots of hidden gems to make your engagement photos (and of course your event itself) perfect.

Photographers have also expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to scope out ideas, test lighting and enjoy time with their clients in a relaxed setting.

I hope you enjoy the attached photos as much as I do. Thanks to Rogue Images for their beautiful work. The couple couldn’t be cuter either!

Shutter Happily,

Mark A. Mattingly, Director

Engagement 6.jpeg
Engagement 3.jpeg
Engagement 5.jpeg
Engagement 2.jpeg
Engagement 1.jpeg
Hoaglin Catering